PhD defense Yonne Peters (‘Cum laude’)
On May 11, 2023, Yonne Peters MD successfully defended her PhD-thesis ‘Early Detection of Esophageal Adenomacarcinoma and its Precursor Barrett’s Esophagus’ at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Yonne’s research was awarded with the iudicium ‘Cum laude’. Excellent work Yonne!!
In chapter 3 of her thesis, Yonne has described the detection of Barrett’s oesophagus (BA) through exhaled breath using the aeoNose. BA can develop into esophageal cancer, and can be treated well when diagnosed in time. This research was published previously in the medical journal ‘Gut’ (February 25, 2020): in a proof-of-principle study in 402 patients it was shown that the aeoNose was able to distinguish between patients with and without Barrett’s oesophagus with good diagnostic accuracy.
PhD thesis advisors: Prof. dr. P.D. Siersema and Prof. dr. M.J.M. Broeders