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Aeonose breath analysis on TB screening South Africa

Aeonose breath analysis on TB screening South Africa

This year, the Union World Conference on Lung Health was held in Hyderabad, India. At the TBScience pre-conference, an official event entirely devoted to basic and translational tuberculosis (TB) research, study results were presented on the Aeonose exhaled-breath tests in Cape Town.

It shows the Aeonose may be useful as a triage test for tuberculosis in HIV-infected and uninfected persons as it meets the FIND/WHO minimum Target Product Profile (TPP) for a rule-out TB test.


An exhaled-breath screening test for the detection of active pulmonary tuberculosis in patients presenting to primary health care clinics in Cape Town, South Africa.

Introduction: GeneXpert Ultra is unsuitable for community-based mass screening and in up to one-third of patients an adequate sputum sample is unavailable. By contrast, the analysis of exhaled breath obtained by the Aeonose-TB device has the potential to provide an easy, onsite, rapid, and non-invasive diagnosis of tuberculosis. Thus, it may serve as a useful community-based triage tool (a major unmet need in the TB field).

Methods: We enrolled 1,143 participants (31% HIV- infected) with suspected TB (243 microbiologically-con- firmed TB, 130 probable TB, and 770 non-TB) from primary care clinics in Cape Town, South Africa. Sputum GeneXpert MTB/RIF and/ or culture served as the reference standard. Volatile organic compounds in exhaled-breath were detected using an electronic nose containing 3 metal-oxide sensors (AeonoseTM, Zutphen, The Netherlands). Data were analysed by machine learning using artificial neural networks (ANN) in a ‘leave-10%-out’ cross-validation training set (n=756; 189 TB and 567 non-TB) and the findings ratified in a test set (n=257).

Results: In the training set the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV of Aeonose-TB (95% CI) was 81% (74-86) and 60% (55-64), 40% (35-45), and 90% (87-93), respectively. However, in HIV uninfected patients, using a ANN- derived rule-in threshold, performance characteristics were 59% (50-69), 91% (87-93), 68% (58-77), and 87% (83-90), respectively. In the same group, using an ANN- derived rule-out threshold, the performance characteristics were 90% (83-95), 59% (54-65), 43% (36-49) and 95% (91-97), respectively. Results in the validation set, and in HIV-infected persons, showed comparable performance characteristics.

Conclusion: Aeonose-TB may be useful as a triage test for tuberculosis in HIV-infected and uninfected persons as it meets the FIND/WHO minimum Target Product Profile (TPP) for a rule-out TB test. However, it may also have utility to rule in TB in sputum scarce or smear-negative persons. Further studies are now required to clarify these findings.


A. Esmail
K. Dheda
M. Dhansay

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